Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Two-Third's Year Revolution

Ok, see. I'm terrible at keeping promises to myself. New Year's Resolutions last about 2 hours for me.

So, here it is September. (sigh. bye bye, swimming pools...water games...long days...). Anyway, today, I decided to make a new promise, not only to myself, but to Sam and Mikaela, as well.

I promise to not eat out more than once each week.

Egads. That means I'm responsible for ensuring 20 meals a week!

Well. It's really pretty easy to pour cereal or make instant oatmeal.

But. I'm on a mission to find AFFORDABLE, yet HEALTHY meals. Mac and cheese with hot dogs, while a classic, just doesn't seem to fit both conditions.

The canned food will help.

So, I'll keep you updated. And, should you happen to see me in a drive-thru...stop me.

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