Saturday, September 13, 2008

Starting Early

Today, there was an annual festival in my hometown. I took the kiddo to see the parade, and we wandered a bit to see all the booths. We talked about getting her face painted. My dad told her she should get a monkey, because she was one. Mikaela, of course, thought this was hysterical. An hour later, when we made our way to that particular booth, guess what she asked for? That's right. A Monkey!
So, after face-painting, we were on to the mini-makeover booth. Hair styles, fingernail polish, and kiddy makeup. Mikaela was in HEAVEN. As we're standing in line, waiting our turn, this woman walks up, admires the kids, and then makes a comment about how they're 'starting them younger and younger.'

Which got me thinking...are we? Certainly my daughter started this younger than *I* did, but then, I was a tomboy for a long time.

My kid loves that girly girl stuff. I don't know why, she just does. From the first time she saw me use nail polish or lipgloss, she's been addicted. She'll put it on and grin real big, asking, "Am I bootiful?'. Of course, she also asks if she's bootiful with spaghetti sauce covering her from ear to ear.

But anyway, the lady got me much faster do kids grow up today?

Friday, September 5, 2008

Dancing Walrus

This was emailed to me by a friend. It can also be found on YouTube.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Yearbook Yourself
Try out your pic in different decades. Here's a few of mine.

Two-Third's Year Revolution

Ok, see. I'm terrible at keeping promises to myself. New Year's Resolutions last about 2 hours for me.

So, here it is September. (sigh. bye bye, swimming pools...water games...long days...). Anyway, today, I decided to make a new promise, not only to myself, but to Sam and Mikaela, as well.

I promise to not eat out more than once each week.

Egads. That means I'm responsible for ensuring 20 meals a week!

Well. It's really pretty easy to pour cereal or make instant oatmeal.

But. I'm on a mission to find AFFORDABLE, yet HEALTHY meals. Mac and cheese with hot dogs, while a classic, just doesn't seem to fit both conditions.

The canned food will help.

So, I'll keep you updated. And, should you happen to see me in a drive-thru...stop me.